Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Back to School (Volunteers)

I Love Volunteers!
Last year I had the best volunteers a teacher could ask for!  I made this packet to help organize the parents that volunteer to help. I will definitely use the Volunteer Data Sheet this year so that I know who can volunteer and when. I can look at this at a glance and I will not have to look through all of the Information sheets each time I am looking for a volunteer.
 Click on the picture below to get a copy from TPT. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Advice For New Teachers (Linky Party)

WOW! How time flies! School is almost here. Only 26 days left until teachers go back to school! I hardly feel ready!  I will be moving to a different room this year.  Needless to say, all my stuff is in the storage closet waiting to be pulled out and organized. :)   When I left, there was nothing in my room, no desks, shelves etc...  Working with a clean slate.  I will take pictures when I go back next week to work in my room.

Today I am linking up with Flying into First Grade with advice for new teachers!  I love working with new teachers and sharing everything I have learned along the way! I have had many awesome student teachers who I got to watch grow into great professionals and become good friends.
Buy - A calendar or organizer.  You will need this to keep track of all the team meetings, staff meetings, RTI meetings, ARD meetings, ESL meetings,  holiday parties, special events, parent conferences, staff developments, testing days, report cards days, and of course, school holidays. 
Always - Reflect.  Some days will be awesome and some days you might just think, what just happened here?  Reflect on the lessons you teach and how you can make them better.  There is always room to grow!  Also think about those students that are struggling, what did you do to help them feel successful?  What about the students that aren't struggling? Did they learn something new today? How did you challenge them? What about that student you can't get to sit still to do anything? Don't be afraid to ask yourself these questions.  It will make you a better teacher.
Never - Give Up!  This is a big one!  Your first year will be full of trials and tribulations.  You never know if you are sinking or swimming.  At the beginning you will feel overwhelmed.  Toward the middle of the year, you will think, I got this!  At the end of the year, you will feel overwhelmed again.  It is a rollercoaster ride.
Find- A good blog.  Or maybe several good blogs.  This is a great way to get ideas to use in your classroom. The more creative you are with your lessons and activities, the more engaged your students will be and the more they will learn. There are also great ideas to use for Classroom Management. This could make your life much easier!  I don't know what I ever did without all the blogs that I follow.  When I started teaching, we did not have blogs, pinterest, and teachers pay teachers.  It is Awesome!
Make - Friends.  Become close friends with your team or someone on your team.  Find someone who has taught your grade level before and is willing to share ideas.  Go to others and ask questions, look at their rooms, get ideas.  Also make friends with the custodian, and librarian.  They are important people in the school. It's a lot more fun when you have people around you that you enjoy being around and can share ideas together.  It is always great to have help when you need it. 
Be - Flexible.  You never know when your schedule will change. You might have an author visit, special music program, award ceremony, fire drill, a student might throw up in the classroom.  Whether it is something that is planned the week before or unexpected, your schedule is not always the same every day.  You need to be able to change your schedule around at a moments notice.
Do you have advice for new teachers?  Link up and tell us.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Back to School Giveaway

Who loves giveaways?  I do!  Found this giveaway from Teacher Created Resources. They are giving away a free I-Pad!  Just click on the picture below to enter to win!

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Daily 5 and Listen to Reading

Here are some GREAT websites to use during Listen to Reading time on the computer!  Students love this!  I love this because the text is highlighted as the story is read aloud!  This is great for fluency, book and print awareness, ESL students, or struggling students.  I put these on my favorites and the students choose the book they want to listen to and read.

Just click on each picture and it takes to you the link.  Try them out! They are all FREE!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Hey ya'll, here is my first Linky!  I love, love, love Pinterest (who doesn't ?) and spend lots of time pinning my favorite things.  Thought I would start sharing!

Enjoy looking through my Pins!  Just click on the picture to go to the website the Pin came from.

Here is a writing folder insert thanks to Fabulous in First.  I used this last year and the kids loved it.  Great for those kiddos that need a little extra help.

writing folder
Loved this idea from Wicked Fun in First Grade for my reading area.  You need lots of books available to the kids when doing The Daily 5.
Wicked Fun in First Grade  How to use Reading A-Z boooks in your classroom library.  After you fold the pages and cut the laminating, (only laminate the cover) you staple the books together.  Then,Duct tape!!! Different colored tape for different levels!  Genius.

This birthday treat idea from ThinkShareTeach was a hit with my firsties last year!

Give crazy straws to students as birthday presents! More fun than receiving another pencil and better than giving away candy!
And of course, my new favorite dinner idea.  I know this is random, but I just can't leave out good food!  OMG Taco Bake. So Yummy!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

All About Science

Here is a sneak peek of what I will be teaching in science for the first few weeks of school.  Well hopefully. It is always hard to get a little science in with all the rules and routines that have to be taught.  But how much fun is Science? I LOVE IT!

Check it out!
Here are two books that are great to use when introducing Science to 1st graders!

         Product Details  

I use the pages below as a journal entry.  We just glue them right into our brand new journals.   I posted two different ones to give you an option for differentiation.          
      Click on the image above to get FREEBIE!

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